Today is already the last day of the Gizmodo Gallery, and we've got a few special things happening before we close up shop today at 4PM and send all the gear back to its makers. • More showings of NASA's Mars Rover images, for the first time in 3D. And to Bowie!
• More Deathmatch for Charity.
• Raffle prize collection starts near the end of the day, so check your emails if you donated earlier in the week or earlier today. (Those of you showing up today, we'll save you some goodness, probably dispensed on the spot.)
• Also, I've got another favor to ask. Chris and I and the gang are very tired from working on planning and running the Gallery for a few weeks straight now — we're almost out of steam, and if Kaiser, SteveDave or any of our other star commenters in the NYC area can come and help us close up shop later on, we wouldn't say no to the help. Thank you ladies and gents, we love you more than we love big TVs.
[ Via: Gizmodo, The Gadget Blog ]
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